The kosher market: a growing reality
The market for kosher products proves to be a constantly growing reality. Since 2016, sales have recorded a significant increase (+ 7.8%), now reaching an annual increase of 12%.
This niche sector actually represents a business of approximately $ 150 billion. Especially in the States, where these products generate an incredible turnover: in fact, a study by Cornell University certifies that about 40% of all foods in circulation are kosher. Today, this amount is estimated to have risen to about half of the merchandise found in large supermarket chains, such as Walmart and CostCo.
In addition to the United States, Israel and northeastern Europe are among the countries with the highest kosher market growth rate. However, even in Italy the kosher world is experiencing a favorable rise. A thriving market is developing especially in Milan, thanks to the historical presence of the Jewish community and due to the new trends in the gastronomic field.

Who are the consumers of Kosher products.
Consumers of kosher products are not limited to the Jewish population: it should be emphasized that only 14% of the products are sold for purely religious purposes. The warranty of respect for tradition and faith is appreciated by a wider audience.
In fact, the remaining slice of consumers (86%) is divided between different categories:
- Muslims (the Halal diet also allows the consumption of kosher products);
- Vegetarians;
- Vegans;
Additionally, even all those who are attracted to the consumption of high quality and healthy foods, coming from reliable sources, choose Kosher. The reason? These products guarantee high standards when compared to common products.
What’s more, they offer the same breadth of choice: bread, animal and vegetable proteins, fruit, vegetables and sweets. We don’t have to give up any dietary habits or even give up any gourmet whim.
Why a company must be certified Kosher.
Given the variety of the target audience, it is essential for a company to be certified Kosher: the certification service of Italy Kosher Union offers all agri-food companies the opportunity to provide what they offer with the kosher added value.
In addition, it offers Italian companies the opportunity to fully enter the Kosher market with verified foods that do not renounce their Italian character.

Moreover, the certification is very useful for all those companies that want to expand their business abroad, as it represents a valid guarantee on the origin and quality of the goods.
In fact, it certifies the high standard of kosher products, dictated by the passing of inspections carried out by our Kasherut division.
Finally, we can say that certification is also a symbol of the company’s dedication to work: therefore, it aims to provide products that fully meet with the wishes of its customers.
There are already 1253 Kosher certified companies in Italy and more than 150 are pursuing the necessary steps to obtain recognition.
Among the best known realities we find:
- Barilla;
- Ferrarelle;
- Bonomelli;
- Nespresso;
- Polenta Valsugana.

Export & Kosher: what are the opportunities for Italian companies.
The opportunities for Italian companies are not limited to the local areas: the export of Kosher products can be seen as the keystone of this business.
The growing demand for Italian Food throughout the world, combined with the increase in kosher certified foods, constitutes a great opportunity for Italian agri-food companies to outbreak and establish themselves in foreign markets.
In this regard, our team is able to offer you the possibility of obtaining the USA Orthodox Union certification (OU), as well as numerous and important ones in the Kosher reality.
The main foreign countries in which to invest are the following:
- Israel: home of Judaism and the only state in which the Jewish population is in the majority. It is estimated that 85% of the products traded in the Israeli food and beverage sector are kosher.
- France: European nation where we find the highest percentage of professing Jews and the presence of 1/3 of kosher restaurants in all of Europe.
- United States: as mentioned previously, this country represents an unmissable opportunity. More than 10 million people are interested in kosher products: all in search of healthy and genuine products.
To get more information about the kosher world and our services visit our website!